Hey there, Michigander!

It takes a village to protect and support Michigan wildlife.

Hunters, anglers, conservationists, biologists and outdoor and wildlife enthusiasts — everyone plays a part, including you!

But how? Well … let’s get started!

Michigan wildlife depends on us.

Wildlife management practices like species population monitoring and disease prevention activities are the cornerstone of healthy, balanced populations.

Healthy ecosystems take teamwork.

It takes thousands of professionals and volunteers to maintain and conserve our precious freshwater shorelines, forests, native plants and wildlife populations.

Beauty lies in the balance.

Regulated hunting and fishing seasons benefit us all — healthy and balanced wildlife populations, fewer unwelcome wildlife encounters and more food for consumption and donation.

Now, let’s talk about why hunting and fishing are so important!

  • Provide over $95 million for wildlife conservation through license purchases and fees on related equipment†
  • Boosts Michigan’s economy by $10 billion*
  • Supports 171,000 Michigan jobs*
  • Helps keep wildlife populations in balance and restores threatened species and habitats
  • Provides a healthy way to get outdoors and connect safely with friends and family

†Per Michigan Department of Natural Resources

*Data provided by Michigan United Conservation Clubs’ 2019 report


  • A man and a Young kid fishing on the lake

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