Top Michigan Wildlife Articles of 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, we’re celebrating another great year of highlighting the rich and diverse stories that have showcased opportunities to enjoy Michigan’s great outdoors and unique wildlife.

Together we have shared in the conservation success of Michigan’s largest and longest-living fish species, a rare Great Lakes songbird, the world’s fastest predator and one of the state’s best-kept secrets.

The Michigan Wildlife Council enjoyed featuring stories from across the state for you this year.

It has been our pleasure to demonstrate how Michigan conserves its vital natural resources – our forests, our waters and our wildlife. A lot of hard work takes place every day to ensure Michigan remains beautiful for generations to come.

Did you miss one of our stories? No worries – here are the Top 5 articles from 2017:

Elena Guc stands beside a lake sturgeon display at the DNR Outdoor Adventure Center in Detroit. Elena is fascinated by sturgeon and loves to share her knowledge with others. Photo: The Guc Family

‘Dinosaur Fish’ May Outlive Us All

Lake sturgeon are members of a family of fish that has existed since the Upper Cretaceous period 136 million years ago. Thanks to careful wildlife management, Michigan’s largest and longest-living fish species is making a comeback. READ MORE…

Male Kirtland’s warblers return to Michigan from the Bahamas in early May and court females with song. Photo: Ron Austing

Rare Kirtland’s warbler making a comeback 

Nearly extinct 50 years ago, the Kirtland’s warbler was one of the first species protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Today it’s considered a conservation success story. READ MORE…

Peregrine Falcon soars in the sky.
Peregrine falcons are the fastest animal on earth, reaching speeds more than 200 mph. Photo: David Mack Chmielewski

Peregrine falcons back from brink of extinction

Thanks to decades of careful wildlife management – including installing man-made nesting boxes atop skyscrapers in Detroit, Grand Rapids and other southern Michigan cities – the world’s fastest predator is on the rebound and returning to its natural habitat in the Upper Peninsula. READ MORE…

Thanks to careful wildlife management, the Michigan elk population has grown from just seven animals a century ago to more than 1,000 today. Photo: David Kenyon/DNR

After 99 years, Michigan’s elk herd is flourishing

Today’s Michigan herd dates to 1918, when seven Rocky Mountain elk were relocated to the Gaylord area from western areas of the United States. After four decades of extensive public and private wildlife management, an aerial survey in early 2016 found an estimated population of more than 1,300 animals – well above the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ population goal of 500 to 900. READ MORE…

The 740-foot fishing pier and school ship dock promise to be a big attraction for anglers in search of walleye. Photo: International Water Resources Association

Inspiring the next generation of nature lovers

When you are surrounded by 7 million people and a whole lot of concrete, how do you inspire the next generation of conservationists? You get them outside. READ MORE…

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