Wood Duck
- In the early 1900s, the wood duck was near extinction. Today, populations are increasing or holding steady.
- They perch on trees and nest in hollow spaces in trees.
- They take very well to artificial nesting boxes placed in their wetland environment.
The Need for Management
At one point in the United States, the wood duck almost faced extinction. Increased destruction of hardwood forests and river wetlands, and unregulated hunting, caused the wood duck population to plummet. Unlike most waterfowl, wood ducks are often found perched in trees and require tree cavities to nest. This attribute makes them vulnerable when cover is lacking close to their wetland habitat.
Management Results
Wood ducks, along with other species of birds in Michigan, have benefited from banding – the process of placing a small aluminum ring around a bird’s leg. The ring is used as an identifier, each bird getting a unique sequence of numbers. This practice allows biologists to monitor health trends in the population and their travel patterns. Thanks to wildlife management, the wood duck is considered a spectacular North American conservation success story. This was made possible through the sale of hunting licenses which provide the majority of the state’s funding for conservation and management activities.
Management Activities
Many efforts are dedicated to conserving wood duck habitat and increasing their population:
- Conservation of wooded wetlands in Michigan.
- Hunting regulations to maintain the population goals.
- Artificial nesting boxes placed in wetland habitats.